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Old 27-08-2017, 07:21 PM
baro-san baro-san is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 481
car·di·o /ˈkärdēō/ noun informal
noun: cardio
cardiovascular exercise
from Greek kardia ‘heart’

So that's what cardio is for: your heart's health.

Cardio exercising isn't intended neither to build muscles (as it doesn't exercise most of your body's muscles), nor to significantly lose weight (as it isn't an efficient calorie burner).

To build muscles, you need muscle targeted exercises (using dumbbells, your body weight, etc.).

Just building muscles isn't enough to lose weight, as they only marginally increase your metabolism. To lose weight you need to intake (eat and drink) less calories.

1 pound of fat = 3500 calories

Men burn more calories than women, young people more than older, active people more than sedentary.

Bottom line: to lose weight you have to intake less calories (it's physics, thermodynamics).

Being overweight is a burden to your body, so it's bad for your health. Don't believe those that tell you to "love yourself fat"! That's bad, irresponsible advice.
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