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Old 28-08-2018, 09:51 PM
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Originally Posted by lugia123
Without a real desire to actually succeed with anything you will fail. You might make a few steps forward if you “try” but the hard challenges life will put you through and put you outside of your comfort zone... will make most people quit. If you have both feet between the door and not fully committed to whatever your goal is your ship will sink halfway, you need to go all in. I am that kind of person that believes 99.9% of us human can and only should focus on one thing at a time.

Sorry to disagree. This opening statement is pretty specious and full of assumptions, mixed metaphors and factoids. Take you're opening sentence. On the one hand true - if you don't desire to do something you won't succeed - mainly because if you don't desire to do something you won't bother. Failure doesn't come into it. Agreed there are things like exams which may not motivate you; you know you have to pass but may fail if you're shaky on the subject or get too nervous. But this isn't your desire, it's an external demand. Mixed metaphor that doesn't make sense: if you have both feet between the door and not fully committed.......your ship will sink halfway.

In this article I will share with you for free important knowledge of how to direct your energy into making more money and grow as a human. I do not claim to be a Guru nor would I ever do but these advise has come from my mentors that are very successful and through my own trial and error.
Thank you but I'd suggest readers really consider your opening remark. It sounds like so many web spiritual ideas that start with a dubious statement as if it's a plausible fact but....

Understand Your Brain

It is very important to have a basic understanding how your brain works and a bit about human psychology, especially how we humans interact socially. I will talk more about some cool things about that later on but will stick to the topic for now. To make this very simple, the brain is categorized into 3 parts, the reptile brain, the mammal brain and the primate brain. Over the course of evolution we developed the primate brain which is the outer layer of the brain which is what most people think of when they imagine what a brain looks like.

1. Reptile brain ( basic needs and flight or fight mode ).
2. Mammal Brain ( basic social interactions, nurturing, emotions )
3. Primate brain ( further advanced developments of what the other brains do and this is what makes us human )

The front part of the primate brain is called the Frontal lobes which is the most advanced part of our brain. If you take your palm and place it on your forehead, you have now located your frontal lobes. This is what separates us from the monkeys and all other species. This is the part of the brain you want to use the most, higher activity in this part of the brain results in higher intellectual thinking. The neurons in your brain acts as a circuit, and as you do something repeatedly…That same circuit in your head fires again and again… and it strengthens that particular connection in the process. So in other words the more you use it the smarter you get.

So the question you might wonder is how do you increase activity in your frontal lobes the most advanced portion of your brain.

The answer is the amygdala. There is a very special part in the brain that acts like a light switch and it’s called the Amygdala. It is a small almond shape like part in your brain located at your temples ( take both of your hands and place your thumb in your ear and the middle finger at the corner of your eye and let the point finger naturally fall down, there is your amygdala. You have two amygdala one for each side of the brain.

The Amygdala works like this, when your brain sense danger, the amygdala clicks backwards and your reptile brain ( flight or fight mode ) kicks in. If you are experiencing something you enjoy the amygdala is clicking forward, this will send the energy forward activating the neurons in your frontal lobes, creating new circuits and strengthening the connections. As a result of this you are rewarded with pleasurable emotions. Pleasurable feelings are a by product of higher frontal lobe activity.

When you are feeling positive emotions the amygdala is switched forward and you will be operating at a higher level.

An important not YET AGAIN is that the neurons in your brain acts as a circuit, and as you do something repeatedly…That same circuit in your head fires again and again… and it strengthens that particular connection in the process. This means if you are allowing yourself to spend most of your day in depression, victimizing yourself, these patterns becomes more and more your natural state.

I hope you can see how this can be bad for you in every aspect of your life, business, love life and socially. On the opposite if you have decided to change your life and feel excited, inspired or passionate, you are going to create more of that. Now let me ask you this, would you want to start a business with someone who victimize them self or with someone who is passionate.

Life is about growth. Keep up with it or be left behind.
Nice try and basic because different nuclei in the amygdala activate different responses to fear. Not quite accurate as the thalamus can send signals along two routes, one via the amygdala so it might not be involved. None of this is under conscious control but can be modulated by the hypothalamus. I'm not sure how relevant this part is to LoA or any conscious activity. Control is automatic and non-concious until signals pass though many other parts of the brain before ending up in the frontal lobe, the prefrontal cortex and obitofrontal: full awareness.

Plasticity is relevant to "reprogramming" by increasing the activity of the circuits so it's involved in learning anything and can happen in almost all parts of the brain.

Do people really need to know this to apply any learning? Do you really need to know how television works to be able to use one?

How to use the Law of Attraction the right way.

The law of attraction exist but people spend all the time imagining but take no real action, even when the opportunity present itself. In order to materialize money ( or anything ) you have to take action. Life gives you plenty of opportunities but if you don’t act upon them your results will be disappointing. What most people want often means taking action = getting out of your comfort zone.
This sounds like me enough - when you want something go and get it. If it means awaiting opportunity, fine, but don't miss it when it crops up. But you're right...comfort zone? That is work that you know. Outside that you have to believe you can accomplish work - still work but could be unfamiliar though you can use strategies that worked previously. I could ask that if you haven't the courage to "go get", do you really deserve what you desire?

But I'm no believer in LoA as often talked about on this forum and the subject of books. Like your opening statement some authors start with something that sounds plausibly obvious or presented as a factoid - sounds good on face value. It might work in the grossest sense but even then has to be within a person's practical capacity. I can believe all I like that I'm a brain surgeon tomorrow but what would they say if I turned up at a hospital in white coat and dremel saw in hand and ask when I can start. I'd be a right Doctor Bob!

So best I leave this open to others now.

Thanks and cheers.
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