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Old 17-12-2017, 03:21 PM
Iamit Iamit is offline
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Originally Posted by naturesflow
True I agree. The end of feeling disconnected through the mind can be enough to change the whole self into natural progression of that shift. It moves itself naturally into change.

I am more speaking from the being state of oneness where you are more conscious of yourself in the totality of your being where every part of you is integrated into that being. In this way the self knows it is the one leading itself open and connected more holistically.

In your bringing up of direct approach through the mind shift, it still requires as the initiation to bring the whole being into alignment.

From the perpective of Oneness as the only reality, it is impossible not to be integrated in the way you suggest because that integration (total connection to Oneness) is not dependant on the state you are in. Oneness is all states. This of course includes the state of not realizing any of this, because it is already Oneness not realizing! Even the feeling of non integration/disconnection is not disconnected for the same reason.

Yes for the resonance between mind and the concept, it seems as though there has to be some frequency/vibration matching going on. As is often suggested in NA (and by N in the example given)ripeness for the resonance may have to do with a state of despair that nothing is working for the seeker. N does not say that to everyone and promotes practise in most cases, I guess because most are not in despair. So I guess he recognises which response is relevant depending on where he perceives the character of the seeker to be at. So as I often say here one size does not fit all, and it depends on the character.

Where are you at with all this?
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