Thread: Sleep-Paralysis
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Old 31-12-2016, 01:02 PM
PlatitudePluto PlatitudePluto is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 191

I was just curious if any of you have any stories about this? I've had this all of my life and even though it can be a little spooky, being unable to move and/or having uncomfortable experiences along with it, I've read some terrifying stories about people who have suffered from this and nobody seems to have any answers about whether or not it's real.

My first time I had this, I was a child, and I realized I was sort of half-awake and couldn't move. That was scary since The Secret Garden was my favorite movie back then and I always thought it'd be terrifying and sad to be paralyzed like Colin in the movie. I realized I could tell how he would've felt.

Anyway then I had kind of floated out of my body and I was floating around this light. almost like I was floating on water but my bed with my body was nearby, I was still in my room and this little girl was singing to me. Then at some point I woke up and I was just kind of like, whoa.

Every now and then I'll have one where I hear a buzzing sound, feel like something is crushing my chest but I can't see anything, and maybe someone is trying to tickle me and I can't move away but again, nothing I'd consider terrifying or like a nightmare.

So what are your stories?
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