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Old 07-12-2018, 08:11 AM
Convolution Convolution is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 100
So, when there is a walk-in, the original soul leaves as if the body had died. It goes through the same exact process, the light, the life review. It is fully conscious.
The new soul joins the body. The conscious body cannot tell a change has happened.

-Doesn't that imply the body is a completely separate entity from the soul?
-Doesn't it also imply that the consciousness of the body is separate from the conscious mind of the soul?

If the body were simply a vessel, and considering that it presumably takes years for a lot of children to forget their past lives, shouldn't the new body/soul remember it has just arrived, have memories of the afterlife, etc?
How can it inherit memories, thoughts, mannerisms of the human life?

Doesn't the concept seem to break some of the other notions of spirituality, that of survival of consciousness (if our active consciousness belongs to the body alone and stays for the ride during the soul transfer) and the notion that our consciousness, who we are, is soul, the eternal being?
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