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Old 01-07-2013, 11:45 PM
shadedragon shadedragon is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: New Jersey, USA
Posts: 1,604
Dragons often radiate a very strong presence. Their soul heart is bright, and often large enough to encompass many.
They have the ability to alter their appearance along with their color, in order for others to feel more comfortable with them. They have the same connections we do, and can be aware of it just as much as we can. Because of how often many of them are conscious of their ability to connect we and realize they are already One, they are viewed as more in touch and closer to the higher universal energies. However, we are already there, just as much as they are.
Follow them only if your heart rings you towards doing so, there's no rush, the dragons know already of free will, and will be there for eternity. However, in your path towards the truth, they are simply a walk passing by and thus not taking it to, you will pass and eventually your highest self will remap rather than work backwards. Either way you will reach the next truth, and they may spur you towards some or slow your pace towards others. It all depends on what you are seeking now.
Dragons are quite fun to encounter in our reality, often filled with beautiful emotions and invoking our own, or something that leaves us with thoughts that there may be more than we thought we knew- for some- while for others it is a common part of their truth and thus reality. I've personally had many encounters with dragons ;) and continue to
all things in our reality are there because they are a reflection of us, as for the time in thiers, we are a reflection of them.
the moment you try to find self is the begning of a journey to discover it doesn't exist

Project Spirit has set up a energy channel for anyone who needs it. We have it touch down in each country, and net outwards in them. You can access energy from this channel simply by intending to tap into it. Pm me if you'd like more info.
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