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Old 08-03-2019, 10:55 AM
taurus taurus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Geelong, Australia
Posts: 150
To answer you all in Answer's words I took this from my thread OBE/Astral Projection Wannabe:

Originally Posted by Answer
1. You have to learn awake your consciousness during dream time so that you can have lucid dreaming
2. You have to initiate astral projection process. For me it means during lucid dreaming time with my astral body look up into sky right 90 degrees upwards and to see a star. Than process for me is activated. You can use rope technique. It helped me. Are you familiar with it? You have to be ready for scary experience. You will feel electrized body. That feeling can not be mistaken with something else or you can not notice it. So when people ask - i dont know? Did i had a dream or was it OBE? Than they had a dream because its impossible to not notice and not know this experience and mistake it with dream. After electrized body you will feel like you are climbing into vortex and a disturbing sound starts zooming louder and louder. You will start to feel opposite feelings, your body will be heavy as rock and in same time you will feel like your astral body is departing from it. The sound and electrized feeling will go full max amount. And than question comes to you - do I go all the way? Will I be able to come back (spoiler alert - you will be able to go back)? Will I die? It took me many times to stop process there and not to go all the way. And there is no shame to chicken out. But I did it. After that process goes faster. More like when you take your car to drive for some products. Anyway - scary part will be main chalange.

Also a tip - drink glass of water before you go to sleep, wake up earlier than usu and go to toilet. Look into mirroe and say to your self that you will now go to sleep and will come to this mirror with your astral body. After few weekd you will know how to initiate process for OBE. What will you choose to do it with it - its up to you. And you should know how to protect your self and not be like a country girle who just came to New York.

Heal yourself and you heal the world

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