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Old 26-02-2011, 02:28 PM
Posts: n/a
I have been told by my spiritual teacher (nonphysical being) that I came here this time to be a light worker. The numbers of light workers here vary but the original number is 144,000. It has taken me a number of years to find out who I really am. We are born with spiritual amnesia and it is only through intent and correct thinking that we become.

Your guilt is an indication of Karma (good or bad) and can be reconciled here by your actions with others. Karma can only be fixed where it occurs.

I begin now by reminding you that the purpose of the physical experience goes beyond sensory pleasure in the form of material or monetary gain, sexuality, glutton and greed, etc., etc. These are not attributes of the super-intelligence mind we inherited from the Unbounded Intelligence but are man-made mental constructs of the human mind – the ego driven mind- manifested on the physical plane in the objective 3D reality.

Every one of these human constructs invokes the Law of Cause and Effect, aka, Karma. The wheel of karma for every individual begins turning at birth in which every thought and action is taken into consideration in the form of unseen mathematical equations that produce like results each and every time (for more information please refer to the Lessons Page or the Archive Page). In fact the karmic debt can extend into the past depending on the breadth of the debt incurred and the number of incarnations it takes to get it right. Therefore, the efforts you put into your physical life experiences will either enhance or hinder your physical experience.

This is the point where many people fall into a very deceiving trap. They falsely believe that it is okay to screw up their physical incarnation because they’ve been told they can chalk it all up to experience and go on their merry way giving no further thought to the karma that awaits resolve on the physical plane. Additionally they intentionally or unintentionally banish the idea that the role they play in their physical experiences does not affect the whole of the race because they perceive themselves to be individuals separated from the whole. This is a very false delusional mentality!

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