Thread: Perfect health
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Old 12-02-2007, 05:24 AM
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Perfect health

There was a time before the paleolithic era when consumable energy was in much abundance, and life did not have to travel very far to gather what it needed to survive.

But as time went on it was necessary for mankind to travel far distances and aquire new high energy sources such as meat, root vegatables & other things that do not Benefit all life as a whole, but merely a single species.

further on into the neolithic period you find things even worse things entering the diet such as grains, beans, potatoes & the rest of foods that must be processed in order to be made edible.

Even cooking such things do not get rid of all the lectins, which cause cells to divide & mutate when they are not supposed to.

I think that one will find that the causes of most diseases & disorders can be attributed to one's diet.

A vegetarian is not much better off than a carnavoir or a fruitarian.
One can only hope for a lesser of two evils in this day in age.

The foods that are the foundation of the societies around the world, are based on such energy sources that were meant for travel. and more so not to be consumed in the first place.

The fruit tree's of an age long ago that once contained all the essential vitamins, nutrients, and amino acids, have not been proliferated & now it is impossible for one to have a completely perfect diet.

I would make a suggestion towards a combination of root vegatbles, fruits & fish.