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Old 19-08-2016, 07:33 AM
Posts: n/a
Hello there and welcome.

I'm known here for having feet-on-the-ground more than most so... is he really your twin flame. On the basis of what you'v said.....

Originally Posted by cosmic444
My feelings were hurt by him which made me want to block him. I felt lied to, disrespected and like I didn't matter to him. I felt as if maybe this whole twin flame connection that had been realized two years ago was a total lie and delusion. That was until we crossed paths.
If according to theories expounded here, he is a mirror of your soul and/or the other half of your soul (as decreed by some divine entity) then... what does that say about you?

Are you sure he isn't just a guy - you and he had fancies for each other finding you had views and a morality in common, until the thing wore out for him.

I've had someone push this idea of soul-mates (ok, a little different) onto me but it became obvious what he was after. He'd have behaved himself for a while until our sexual repertoire ran dry... it happens with men more than women because they're looking for a convenient body rather than sensual love (not saying all men are like this because they aren't), then he'd be sniffing around someone else, probably leading me on.

How you'd make yourself certain, I don't know. One needs to get to know another in many situations over a long time. Twin flames is a nice idea and many relationships exist that do seem to thrive, long term, on the marriage of souls, but many here are just misguided hopes - upset, hurt, anguish.

My ego is too bruised to unblock him and just send a message. Part of me wishes he would break the ice and save the connection. I didn't delete his number and I don't know how to block receiving texts. That channel is still open.

Any thoughts or similar experiences?
I hope you find your answers. A bruised ego wouldn't signify a soul connection surely. There's obvious contention somewhere.

Sure, leave the channel open. Free of all this twin-flame stuff it's possible the relationship could flourish because you're free of expectations that come with it. Getting rid of expectations means that he can just be himself, not try to be what you expect him to be. Get into a situation where it doesn't matter if he lies because you don't have to care. In fact. play hard to get and what's the betting he'll come crawlin', as they say!

Forget about divine plans. If there really is a god or a flame-matching agency up in the sky somewhere it looks like "he" / it is capable of playing a few mean tricks.

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