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Old 11-09-2019, 09:06 AM
Evolventity Evolventity is offline
Newbie ;)
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 21
My first memorable and full OBE experience was as a teenager via sleep. I found myself floating over a sidewalk outside of my bedroom. My first intentional OBE was around March 2017. During my lucid dreaming practice as a teenager I found out about astral projection so I tried various methods but to no avail. There was never a method that worked for me when I tried. Trying really hard blocked me from leaving my body. Any time I got the slightest sense that I was getting close, I'd get too excited to go further. I also had a fear of demons taking energy or killing me, lol. I put it on the back burner and about 5 years later I got interested again.

In 2017, I didn't pay as much mind to all the YouTube and other online "how-to's." I just sort of winged-it. ;) I would lie in bed with the intention of leaving my body and pay attention to what I was feeling. I often fell asleep instead. This was good because I love sleep, haha, and sometimes while I was falling asleep I would notice something slightly different than usual. My attitude was more like "whatever happens, happens." After a couple of months or so I started to feel very strong vibrations. I didn't know if it was my fear or not, but with each experience came more experience, and I let it grow until I finally felt my non-physical body enough to pull away and out of my physical body. I didnt even see my body though, and most of the time I didnt know whether I was lucid dreaming or having an OBE.

I'm about a year and half in. I feel the strong vibrations during the process a lot less frequently now and have a much better feel of my non-physical body and thus an easier feel of leaving my body. I'm not always certain if I'm lucid dreaming about having an OBE or actually having an OBE. It just feels like I'm out of body and it feels different than a lucid dream. I can see my body in my bed now if I want to but I dont know know for sure if it's the one in the physical reality. I have a lot of alternate reality and alternate timeline experiences going on, haha. I've been exploring the idea of altering my physical reality and gathering information from a physical reality to prove that I am having an OBE. TBC. Whatever the case, I'm having fun.

The easiest way for me to leave my body is to wake up after a night of rest, stay awake for an hour or two, then lay back down. This is when I feel at ease, especially mentally. I say to myself "okay, cool, let's see if I'm gonna leave my body." I put myself into a comfortable position, usually on my right side, moving onto my stomach if it feels better. I allow my mind to wander and flow. I stay conscious as it thinks of things. If I want to lucid dream, I subtly focus on the flow of my imagination / visualizations and they eventually get so vivid and strong that I can pull myself into a scene. If instead I choose during this relaxed state to leave my body, I focus on the feeling of my non-physical body until my sense of it eventually gets strong enough that I can seperate and slide out of or wiggle out of my body. This process of getting a sense of my non-physical body and then moving out of my physical body was learned by gradual experimentation. Whether I want to have an OBE during a lucid dream, the hypnagogic state, or the hypnopompic state, my intention and being in an allowed-state of flowing energy is what really let's it happen.

16 to 23 years old I was vegan. I'm currently 26 and an omnivore. I haven't noticed a particular difference in my abilities based on what I eat for food. Sometimes I eat a lot of live plant-based foods, sometimes a lot of meats, and sometimes a lot of junk foods.

If anyone has the desire to leave their body and they're frustrated that they havent yet, just trust that it will, and in the meantime enjoy whatever speck of experience you can get. Enjoy the now. I appreciate not having immediately jumped out of my body because it was so fun to get to where I am, and I love knowing that I'll get further just by enjoying where I am now. I enjoy the growing more than the growth, and I am always growing. I love that for me!
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