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Old 20-05-2020, 01:35 PM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Project Blue Beam

What an interesting turn of events these past 24 hours has taken.

I started off on YouTube, in the comments section of Sky News complaining about the belligerence of China in regards to new trading tariffs for barley exports..yep, pretty much a sucker for politics...

My comments were met with a pretty weird reply by a Christian saying something along the lines of "You have no idea what's about to go down on this planet".

Well, being the obnoxious realist that I am...I kinda retorted "let me see...WW3 with China... Vaccinating and chipping people like stray dogs... surveillance tracking and social credit...rogue meteorite collision...the second coming of Christ..have I missed anything?"

With that, I was pointed to the experiments going on at CERN, the interdimensional portals opening up in the sky over Norway and Yemen... China's completion of its "artificial sun" and larger Hadron Colliders nearing completion in Japan and Russia....and this thing called Project Blue Beam.

Now, being a very curious creature, I decided to look into Project Blue Beam.

Story goes that after WW2, the governments of the time got together for a huge "thought experiment"...what could unite all of mankind more than a threat from an "extraterrestrial force?" So, they planned all of these UFO sightings using satellites to project holograms of strange craft, lights in the sky, weird clouds and even whole planets onto the surface of the ionosphere to make people believe that aliens are real...but with this plot twist... extraterrestrials ARE real, but they don't come from another planet...they come from another dimension an alternate reality and governments already know this...there will be a reveal very soon....they just use the satellite "light show" to condition all of us into getting used to the fact that we are not the most advanced species on this planet and never have been, with our E.T. overlords not being particularly benevolent either.

This is project Blue Beam.

CERN is creating portals where more of these entities can come through into our reality and creating anti matter in the process...opening up Pandora's Box, but the cat is out of the bag now and it is causing massive weather disruptions and anomalies, paranormal ghost sightings and experiences of cryptids and shadow/light beings all over the world...and those things are REAL...."It's life, Jim...but not as we know it".

This all ties in with all my previous work in ITC research.

Anyway, after all of that, I found someone on YouTube who knows a great deal about all of this...his name is Stewart Swerdlow (Sverdlov) and his great uncle was the first president of the USSR and the founder of the KGB. His mother was a Russian spy during the Cold War...check it:

So, what you guys think?
I am the creator of my own reality, so please don't get offended if I refuse to allow you to be the creator of it instead of focusing on creating your own. Thanks.
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