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Old 01-12-2018, 06:38 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Over the Rainbow
Posts: 2,729
So I am waiting for Amazon to respond to me and decided to wander through. I usually go to the channeled section (my favorite) and did find your question for a true channeler (at least I think it was you). Anyway, my first instinct is always to be defensive (hello - channeler here) which then turns to amusement (not laughing at you, just them) because time and time again I hear there is no empiracle evidence that any one channeling can be validated. It just isn't going to happen. It's an inside job and until you experience it for yourself, it is really rather unexplainable. Well, there is this really good book called .... think it is Learning to Channel by Sanaya Roman. And it explains a lot. So in the interests of time, I am not disbuting any of that. It can be true for you or not.

However, in answer to your questions about triple digits, it reminded me that I had a questioner ask about triple digits. It is a very well known phenomenon in the spiritual community, and the answers to it are usually pretty much the same. I am linking an answer that was given. I did not channel this answer, lo those many nights I tried LOL, and while I was successful eventually at verbal channeling (which I was attempting to learn at the time) I was ready to give up and asked my daughter to channel some answers because I was feeling very not quite ready. My daughter is a beautiful soul, quite gentle and loving, and she channeled one of her guides (my favorite of her guides) Shen. Now we live in the US. However, Shen lived somewhere else when he was last physical - can't really remember now - but Shen is Chinese, think he lived in Australia, and his accent is British English. To hear my daughter channel is the Queen's English was really rather startling at first. in my book, that is empiracle evidence because I know my daughter through and through, and that is not her accent nor does she phrase things in the same way...but anyway, I used to have the original recording of her channeling these answers (the one's Shen channeled for me) however i think they have been lost. It would be fun to find them (a project for me) but you can read Shen's answer from the link - it is down the page a bit, under triple digits.

Many blessings on your journey. Everyone's is different, but they all begin with a quest. I hope you find what you are looking for :)
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