Thread: Lost lands
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Old 13-06-2019, 04:17 PM
freebird freebird is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 144
Edithaint, maybe before people developing using stones in Africa, there were advanced civilizations. Think of it this way, we sort of consider ourselves pretty advanced compared to 1000 years ago say. What if a World War 3 or a natural disaster would take place and almost everything will be wiped out? The remaining people will remember how it was before WW3, but all they could do is to tell others about it (and that's prone to subjectivity) or at maximum write it on something, but their followers will be sceptical saying it's a myth. Most of what was built will perish if not maintained, so all buildings you see now might turn into nothing as they won't be able to repair them anyway.You will have let's say 10 000 people left scattered on Planet Earth (exaggerated I know but you get the point), no electricity, no internet, no books, no cars, no phones, they will have to build their way up to technology from scratch. Eventually they will get to a point again of high tech, and sceptical say: our ancestors were not high tech, we were the first, they developed in Africa using stones (as you mentioned) which is partially true. Maybe our ancestors were having other types of technology available completely different from ours and we can't compare since we create our definitions change constantly as we advance in time about what we consider technologically advanced, maybe they were less advanced, or maybe they didn't need to be so. As Einstein said if WW3 starts the next war will be with sticks and stones. What I want to point out is that the previous scenario that I stated maybe already happened, and we are sort of in a loop, reliving the scenario nobody knows for sure and I keep an open mind on that, I don't claim to know everything just my 2 cents
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