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Old 09-01-2017, 01:39 AM
Gemcrusader Gemcrusader is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 574
Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
Well if there is an afterlife I can't really imagine Hitler or Stalin in a peaceful green field with fancy flower and rainbows. If there is a heaven shouldn't there also be a hell or something like that?

One time a had a psychosis from mushrooms, nothing big, i recovered. But at that time i had Hitler on my mind a bit. Just interest. In the last aftermath of the psychosis i cried and screamed that Hitler is burning in hell. Not in a christian biblistic hell, but litterally. Like some sort of knowing. "Funny" enough, many years later i lately read that in the utter outlets of the underworld a "certain" person related to the nazi regime was located in a box together with others. Different things happened in those boxes. But in his he was burned to ashes alive... over and over again. He didnt really had a smile on his face so to speak. Im allowed to speak about this, but its not something to be taken lightly. Its a fragile ground since when spoken to lightly about, these energies can take u there and experience the same. Or better said perhaps, force u to see what happens. And i reckon its not a pleasant sight.
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