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Old 06-12-2019, 06:13 PM
Phaelyn Phaelyn is offline
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enlightenment only comes
to those who give up themselves

and if you give up yourself, there is no longer anyone there
to care about enlightenment.

giving up yourself, what that means and is...

is a secret well hidden door that few find...

and those who find it,
most often,
loose it again,

may even,
forget it's there

may loose interest in it,
may not recognize it's worth
may not recognize what they found

one cannot serve two masters,
yourself and truth
delusion and clarity

the more of yourself you put away
the more enlightenment can enter
and become you

a student complained to his master
that he could not find god...
the master pointed to the student's chest and said
there is no room for god in there
too much of you is in there
you will never find god while you are there
make room and the divine will fill it

it's not that you stop trying
it's not that you try

you put away the you that would try or stop trying

the only way to put away this self is to be fully awake and aware
in the now.. and keep ones awareness free of self
to empty all self that is perceived
to make a choice in what is perceived...

to no longer focus on self's story, interpretation, voice

in the full acceptance and experience of the now as it is,
empty of self in all it's forms
enlightenment ceases to exist
one realizes there was never anyone or anything to be enlightened

the student asks the master
"how can I reach enlightenment"
the master smiles and says you can't
neither can you experience it or taste it
as it has no form
but when you drop all forms,
when you are not,
there it is, a light in the darkness

a luminance in all that is perceived
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