Thread: Coin Toss
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Old 12-05-2018, 06:59 PM
Posts: n/a

Thanks for sharing everyone. I was thinking of using two coins for 'yes' and 'no' questions. The coins will have two distinct colors from each side preferably black and white. I was also thinking of combining tarot cards. Here's how I was thinking of doing this method of divination. I would write down questions on a notebook. I would go through each question out loud whilst holding my coins and let them fall on a flat surface to reveal the answer. Two black-sided coins indicates a 'no' and two white-sided coins is a 'yes', if the coins reveal one black and white, it's a maybe. I would then pull out a card for more information.

I've been pretty busy lately, thus I wasn't able to try out this method. I will need to come up with questions as well.

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