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Old 19-04-2016, 06:49 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by UncleManifestor
Think about when you were a child, when you said "I will tidy my room", did you ever tidy it without further prompting required? If you were like me, you would leave it for as long as possible and only actually do the task when it was demanded, do it now!

So the "I am..." Is stating it as a demand, rather than a request. Same for affirmations, always "I am" is more powerful than "I will". You can't ask when to "I am" but you can to "I will".

The scope of such a task is rather different, wouldn't you say? That concerns just the future tense. I will (to achieve something edifying to the soul) is about perseverance and motivated determination.

You see, (well, I won't "argue" beyond this) your logic fails. The intent isn't what you're doing now. Believing you've already written a list of best sellers is an empty gesture. The intent is that you will across a span of time write best sellers but you haven't done it yet. You won't get far sitting there saying "I am a famous author." because you aren't. At that stage you're purely a thinker.

This LOA stuff works in limited applications. If I wanted to become a famous concert pianist, believing I'm that, now, is plain silly. I'd have to be able to play some pretty technically / artistically complicated music, which I can't as at today. If I could I wouldn't need LOA - except possibly to convert the skills into fame.

One of the guys I sometimes play music with is going bald. He doesn't want that and spent a year believing a) that he wasn't bald and b) therefore, that the LOA would work. He finally gave it up as bunk. It didn't work. Another friend did use it successfully to get herself skinny, probably because it needed just a change of behaviour, not physiology.

As Walter Cronkite would say....and that's the way it is.

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