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Old 23-03-2018, 07:21 AM
Rain95 Rain95 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 901
Animals do live in the present more or less but like human animals, they do cycle through different levels of identification with their brain/mind. Like cats will sit in your lap and purr while looking you in the eyes, but then they see a fly moving on a wall and jump at it to try to catch and kill it....

So animals are not always at peace. They can be angry, territorial, petty, giving, nice, mean, upset, scared, embarrassed, happy, sad, and on and on. I have some pet cats and yea, I have seen them when they are "not a cat," not identifying with their animal mind and instincts, and are just awareness and peace/contentment/love. But then other times they are being what is the worse of an animal. But then that's also a side effect of their personalities.

One of my cats is an angel. The other one thinks he owns every inch of the house and has to constantly chase the other one all over never letting her have a space to call her own. She likes to sleep in cardboard boxes as she at least knows he can't attack her from above. He will kick her out of whatever box she tries to sleep in though. He will not give her even a corner to live in or claim as hers. He is alpha male and owns every inch of his living space.

He is a long way off from being at peace, but he does at times be in that space. The other cat can't really relax much due to the male. She does sometimes, but she is always ready to bolt if she hears a noise or sees him approaching.

Anyone who has lived in nature knows animals do some pretty messed up things. They can be very violent and cruel towards their own kind and others. Like when a male lion takes over a pride, fights the old leader, chases him off in a violent way, then kills all of his offspring. It's not just predators either. I've seen wild rabbits, horses and others in some very violent fights.
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