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Old 11-05-2007, 12:18 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by daisy
have you been saved by an angel from grave danger ?

This one happened when I was around 10 or 11. My younger sister and I got the wild idea of stretching
a rope between two trees, (the one tied high on the one tree, one tied low on the other). Using a metal rod (instead of
a well manufactured pulley harness which is commercially advisable :^) as a means for sliding-on I climbed to the
top of the tall tree, placed the slightly bent rod over the rope and after a moment to get my nerve up, pushed off.
Right a way the rod bent, holding me suspended for a moment, then the rope broke and gravity took over.

Something odd happens when you're touched by an angel. Time doesn't behave the way it normally does.

My attention was focused on two split scenes. I was vaguely aware of my falling through the tree limbs. But what
held me riveted was that I lay in the lap of an angelic personality, female, and she was saying something most loving
and supportive. I couldn't make out the words, I knew what they were, they were audible, but I could only hear
the meaning just outside of conscious reach.

And about us was what I could only call a choir of angels. There must have been thousands of them. A broad
ring that surrounded us both, close and up high, and a music, a song like none I had ever heard before or since.
I can only call it soul music. Perfect tone, perfect pitch, and heard deep within the energetic strands of awareness,
as well as by my young child's ears at the time.

It lasted what seemed like 10 or 15 minutes. When I hit the ground it shut off like a switch. I lay there
totally stunned. I was physically fine. I had slightly sprained my wrist from the impact... but I couldn't get
over what had just occurred! What the heck was that!?!

My sister and I finally talked about it some 5 years ago (I'm 52 now). I told her the story of what I saw that
day and with wide eyes she insisted she saw an angel floating around me on my fall. She didn't bring it up
before this because she thought I'd think she's off. I didn't tell her at the time for the same reason.

I've had a number of other highly bizarre events occur since then, but this one I hold with great warmth
and deep affection. To be touched by an angel is to warmly carry the imprint of that exchange for a lifetime.... :^)