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Old 22-02-2018, 06:46 AM
Nitiananda Nitiananda is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 161
Next comes the Holy Compassion.
Usually it is considered such a work of the soul when, seeing people who suffer because they do not know the Right Teaching, a person feels sad about these sufferings as if they were his own, sympathizes with these people and tries to eliminate their suffering.
However, the biggest problem in everyday practice are cases where people do not understand that others are suffering, although they do suffer.
For example, here is a person who unreasonably criticizes or attacks you. Or not on you, but on other people. Probably, you do not think about this person that he is suffering.
But if the soul is in a stable state, if a person does not suffer, then in most cases this person will not perform unreasonable deeds. All those who harm others - from people to evil spirits - experience suffering within themselves. If you look back at your actions, you will be able to understand this well. This must be realized in the first place.
Such people, seeing those who do something bad, are usually disgusted: "And what is he doing this?" Or they have stronger feelings, hatred. This happens when their personal interests are hurt.
In this case, you should practice Holy Compassion or Karma Yoga. At the core of these practices is the ability to relate to the bad karma of others as to their own. In other words, when you see how others accumulate bad karma, do something bad - you should think that these are the factors that you have, that you have a teacher showing you how to not act, and use this case as a an occasion for self-observation. And in the future, try to eliminate your own and others' bad karma.
*Here it is necessary to pay attention to one point. As for manifestations of bad karma, it happens that we do not like them, but it happens that they do not cause any reaction. Psychologists believe that we feel strong anger when we see in others the shortcomings inherent in us. This is a very important observation.
Reflect here on what. Imagine that we have some shortcomings, which we always think of as something bad. When parents or friends tell us about them, we restrain ourselves, but often it happens that we can not completely eliminate them. And what happens when we notice them in others? Because we constantly pay attention to these shortcomings and think of them as something bad, then because of this, with the same bad qualities of other people, we also experience hatred. Such psychology of people is easy to understand. You are often criticized for the same thing and you have to endure, but then you see how others do the same. Because of this, anger, hatred arises.
On the other hand, what happens when you see in others something that does not bother you particularly, what do not you especially think about? Indeed, you are simply detached, objectively assessing: "This is bad," and you do not feel any special emotions. Also, compassion for others arises easier.
And if this is so, then when you have a strong sense of hatred towards the actions of other people, it is very important to think: "Is not there the same factor in me?", "Is not there the same tendency for me ? "
People who pay attention to this, who have wisdom, will notice: "Oh, and in fact I have the same drawbacks. I'm the same as this man. " And the better you become aware of it, the weaker your hate, your anger. And about the shortcomings of others you can mourn, as if they were your own. This is Compassion.
Anger arises only if there is a distinction between yourself and others. People who do not have wisdom completely fail to notice that other people's actions are characteristic of themselves. Therefore, they are indignant: "And that this type behaves so badly!" So, when you get angry at the sight of other people's shortcomings, do not get angry for nothing, but look at yourself, analyze your condition and eliminate it.
The person doing this receives a wonderful benefaction. First of all, in relation to others, he experiences not hatred, but compassion and love, and he begins to treat people with warmth. This frees you from the stress and fatigue associated with anger, and gives you peace. To people you will have compassion: "And I, and others because of this suffer. But I'm exactly the same. The same thing that I had before, now causes suffering and that person. " Thanks to this compassionate attitude you will want to somehow help these people - to get rid of their shortcomings and bad karma, because you yourself have suffered before.
And not only this. People practicing Holy Compassion are freed not only from hatred from other people, but also from hatred towards themselves. What does this mean?
People who practice not Holy Compassion, but selfishness and hate others, one day comes a period when they begin to hate themselves very much. They begin to hate themselves and fall into self-deprecation. And sometimes they become lonely.
Why is this happening? You see in another person an object for hate. However, in fact, there are the same factors in yourself. But you do not notice this and continue to hate. Repeating this process only increases hatred. At the same time, not noticing the same drawbacks in yourself, do not deal with their elimination. And these shortcomings only increase. This is the state of mental blindness.
But one day you notice: "But in me there were the same drawbacks." And then there is no escape from the emergence of a strong hatred of self, self-abasement. Because it turns out that you had the same drawbacks as those people whom you hated so far. And how much you fixed on hatred and increased it, just as strong hatred, turned to yourself, will be strong. You used to think: "What kind of fools are these people who do this?" - but it turned out that you are the same.
So if you do not consider other people to be your own projection and, by making a distinction between yourself and others, continue to hate others, then this behavior can be compared to the behavior of someone who pulls a bow against himself. He released the arrow in others, but in reality it returns to you. This is part of the Law of Karma: what one has done to others, will return to you. It is said that anger creates a karma of reincarnation in Hell, but a person with strong hatred even in life begins to surround more and more hated objects, including himself.
On the other hand, what happens to a person who practices the Four Immortals, Holy Compassion? When he sees manifestations of bad karma, the shortcomings of other people, he ponders whether there is not the same in me. Therefore, its shortcomings will not remain as they are, nor will they grow. Seeing in other people "negative" teachers, he can eradicate his shortcomings even before they grow. Therefore, he will not feel strong hatred towards himself when he detects pollution.
Such a person is modest in his daily life and strive for his own growth, and communication with other people uses for self-improvement, sympathizes with other people and, seeing their shortcomings, mourns for them as their own, and also generates generosity and love. Such a person, seeing the shortcomings of other people that everything is the manifestation of the work of one's own soul in the past (or the manifestation of the work of the soul from past lives, will raise its level, his love for others will grow, and he will become happy.) Thus the karma of the World of Gods is formed.
So, being in the same world, you can view it from the position of the Four Dimensional States of the Soul, and then this world, in which you are involved in human relationships - in the family, in the firm, with friends, in the company of practitioners - you can be considered as a place for learning, a hall for spiritual practice. If you treat this world from the position of the ego, then you will think: "What are my unfavorable karmic connections! Karmic communication with me only with bad people! "
All the discontent that is accumulated in the process of your relationships with other people is created by the work of your own soul. You can not blame everyone else for anything, completely oblivious to that,).
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