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Old 22-03-2012, 04:31 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by norseman
Of course there are lots of pagan rituals you could do.
For example : Ostara. Your church must like that one since they took it for themselves and renamed it Easter. Or how about Yule ?
Actually, Easter is a purely Christian holiday. The actual name in English we use, Easter, is related to an Anglo-Saxon month name mentioned by Bede that corresponds to the modern month of April. Bede also mentioned that the Anglo-Saxons worshiped a goddess by the name of Eostre around that time, and Jacob Grimm was one of the first people to theorize that the custom of dyeing Easter eggs, and the Easter Bunny are possible remnants of a Eostre cultus that were kept by the converted A-S.

But aside from the English & German customs that aren't in anyway Biblical, Easter, or Pascha, is definitely a Christian holiday.
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