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Old 01-11-2013, 01:51 PM
Spirit Seeker Spirit Seeker is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 162
I've never used the Echovox. I have an Ovilus X that has a dictionary mode which has a database of over 200 words and it also has a phonetic generator. I don't care for the phonetic, its too frustrating trying to guess at what words are used. But that's just me.

For the earlier post, I've had full sentences directed to me using my real name. There's not much you can do to get clearer communication. You can get a Faraday Pouch to put your spirit box into, this will screen out a lot of the radio signals. Under $20. When you use box, just advise that the spirits need to speak as loudly and clearly as possible. But a lot of times things are missed live, which is why you need to record the session with an audio recorder.
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