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Old 08-01-2018, 09:45 AM
Lighthousekeeper Lighthousekeeper is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 37

I believe we are born with all the information about different "realities" and life forms "clouded over" in our consciousness. Within creation, or God, anything is possible.

We each are here to strengthen some aspect of the expression of our God we each are, this is part of our individual missions. Another is to interact with other people and play a part in their stories, as each of us plays such a part here, on this site. We learn and grow through sharing these experiences during our time in the "reality" this world is. Our hobbies, interests, skills, even fixations or negative stuff express who we are. We are free to choose to see their deeper message or accept on a surface level, but either way we each play some part in the story of the existence of this reality, in tiny, or in a mass way. We are each important, to our own future growth and to the tiny part of Creation this world is, part of a limitless whole.

Sometimes I get restless or frustrated myself. There are so many wonderful possibilities "out there" and currently I can only indulge in such by letting my own imagination soar, or borrowing the imagination of others from the "rubbish?!" I read, or the information available I choose to believe in. It's my way of experiencing the wonders which are possible for us all - after our important parts here are played, our missions completed, our little corner of creation having benefitted from each one of us.

Our Creator has provided us with a valuable outlet, we call it imagination. So whether we use our creative skills ourselves, or share in the creativeness of others, only our physical bodies remain anchored here, presently.
Unleash your imaginations, the most valuable gift we're given, and they will reassure us that we're part of something endlessly wonderful.
We're only here for ... 80 years-ish maybe? ... a wink of your God's eye.
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