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Old 12-08-2016, 02:29 AM
sea-dove sea-dove is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 1,488
Originally Posted by cdoliveira
Hum... For me this is the SAFEST COUNTRY EVER. I am from Brazil and BELIEVE ME, this place is just the SAFEST COUNTRY. Safer than America. Safer than Australia. You can basically walk on the streets at 2 am and nothing is going to happen to you. I've done that maaaaaany times.
Honestly AHIYAH, are we talking about the same country? :)
But yes, like I mentioned before prices are expensive and people from big cities/countries can find New Zealand bit boring.

I agree, for me I found NZ much safer then other places, far safer then Australia.

I got stranded moneyless there and several different strangers actually invited me into their homes and took me in till I could save to get back home to Australia. The people were far friendly then even those in Australia. I was there for 6 weeks and didnt even once meet a person who didnt want to help me.

As far as expensive goes.. take away shops were far far cheaper then those in Australia. I was amazed at how cheap the food was (half the price of some of the things I buy in Australia)
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