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Old 14-01-2020, 12:24 PM
sea-dove sea-dove is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
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Originally Posted by one-light
Hi Sea-dove - I agree with Tobi - what's done is done, we move on...

I got a strong feeling to message you - I have seen so many times you help people, so much work goes into that from you to help others here...

But! What about 'you' - in my research 3 years now into the power of your mind and energy vibrations, and so many more years with my own spiritual experiences. And I know this, when someone is on the wrong path in life things go wrong and uncomfortable dreams and unhappiness also come along with this wrong path issue.

So what about you, I took time today to look through some of your recent messages this morning - I seen the one mentioning 'violent dreams recently' - where's your 'support team/spiritual support family' on this?

I had so many very difficult dreams for 6 months when I was being persuaded to get off alcohol, and did I protest, but eventually gave in and 2 guides came to me, one instantly while awake saying 'it'll be ok' and one next morning in a dream after first day off the stuff.

There's no doubting your skills, but what about attention to you, yourself in all this - ive not noticed in any of your messages HS/Guides/Angels as in your direct support and safety!

Forgive me if ive got any of this wrong - just got a strong feeling to message, so I have...

I dont have any conscious connection at all with my angels or spiritual guides though that isn't through lack of trying. Only time I've met angels is when I am one and in a different consciousness and not my human form.

Well I guess I shouldnt say that as I've had the help of ascended Masters on a few occassions (Jesus, Babaji and a couple of others) when I am in major trouble with various things (in life threatening situations both physical situations and others a master has helped) but what I mean is in my usual daily normal life etc I don't hear or see them, Im not consciously receiving guidence I know about. People talk about having an astral guide... I've never received one that I know about. (I always say a prayer before any energy work or trying to go out and Ive tried to seek my astral guide out).

though I once did channel what I think may of been a very high Master when I called for him. but I found the experience scary as I felt like I was on fire and I felt like I was going to spontanously combust. That warped time about me when I did that (I taped it at the time and my background music slows to long distorted notes which became no longer music but I know the tape wasnt warping at the time as the voice coming from me on tape was at normal speed). Anyway, I do not seem to be able to have a normal kind of spirit guide connection where I can just chat to a guide to find out what is going on.

I have done angelic healing in the past which is supposed to be angels guiding (when one just goes with the flow calling for angels to guide) but I'm not aware of them and it could be my own initiation doing the healing.

People have told me to seek out my guide.. and I tried for years (15+ years) to do that without any luck which is left me feeling like I'm supposed to be getting my guiding from within myself. and yeah I know I need to be working on me but Im finding it extremely difficult due to various MAJOR ISSUES. (I think I have been cursed or have kundalini syndrome still.. I experience constant bad luck and bad experiences and extreme illness, I'm finding living devastating due to all the constant drama I experience and currently due to that do not even currently feel comparable well to human life, I'm traumatized by life experiences. I now have PTSD from my life experiences so Im struggling with that too now on top of my physical major health conditions). All I can do is keep trying to help others and hope that my life improves or that I get to move on from this earth plane which is something I'd really welcome at this point.

I do not understand why I have so much bad luck unless its karma from another life or a curse.

I dont drink, I dont take drugs.. I don't even drink coffee!!!
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