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Old 04-01-2018, 02:06 AM
Christine01 Christine01 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 89
Hello, I don't profess to know a lot about these sorts of things as I am learning right now. But I recently had an experience that shook me up a bit (I had my drink spiked, but being increasingly intuitive I stopped drinking it, and got myself out of the situation). Anyway not long after this I started to get urinary pressure, pelvic pressure and a pushing downards feeling ' down there'. I also had symptoms of a UTi, but tests came back as there being no infection. Also had kidney and pelvic ultrsounds whic were also fine. Long story short - no medical cause found..

Anyway for a bit of background I am ascending, and on a Twin Flame journey right now. I see a Reiki practitioner and I also had a tarot reading regarding my TF process. What has come up as is that I have 'sexual wounds' in terms of a sexual repression (sexual wounds) in me that has been from past lives, but I can also say has been existant in this life too. The outcome from the tarot reading and the practitioner was that these symptoms are like a sexual clearing happening - a purge. And the trigger was that bad event. I also know that twin flames at the moment are experiencing clearing of the lower chakras.

What I am suggesting is that if you know of or even don't know of (i;e past live occurrences) where sexual repression (which can take the form of simply not feeling safe with your femininity and expression of being female or more at the extreme end - sexual assault) - this may be why you are struggling clearing. I got suggestions on what to do to heal this - so if you think this resonates with you PM me and I will provide further detail.
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