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Old 08-05-2020, 11:51 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by asearcher
Hi Elfin, thank you very much. How wonderful your children were never afraid.
Hi... Yes it is both wonderful and strange. And it was actually your thread on here that made me aware of that fact! So Thank you for that. Children would naturally be scared of bogeymen, gremlins under the bed , ghosts etc. But mine weren't. And it's only now I come to realise that they were not. I suppose it's just the same as teaching children to read, write, cross the road. If we teach them that the "spirit" that lives with them is the same as us, that even though they are always there, even though they can't always see them , they are just as important as the people they can see. And we had some really spooky goings on in our house...things moving across the room before our very eyes etc. But no... The boys were never frightened.. just very accepting.
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