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Old 13-02-2017, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by olhosdeamendoa
I stopped!

You made me LOL here with the "mystic in a flowery dress and a floppy hat"! I totally get what you mean, people are sick of bulls*** and want real stuff.

One thing I find interesting is when people talk or think about spirituality they think it's something almost outside of them, like mystical, "in the sky above" or whatever, when in reality EVERYTHING is spirituality. Even scratching the butt!

Yes a lot of people are awakening at the present moment and need help in that because it can be very confusing. I did have help when I woke up and was guided to the right people, so I want to be one of those people to someone else too.

Thank you!
Good for you, don't know about you but all that scratching makes me itch. And if it made you laugh then it's not a wasted post.

We're of the same mind there, when Spirituality becomes theologies and ideologies then it's a religion and my Spirituality comes from the Soul, it's about the Journey and not the theories. I like people such as Teal Swan because her material is good down-to-earth stuff and very practical - which is what I think people really need. She takes the Spirituality and 'maps' it to real Life which is what it's all about.

I've spoken to people who wouldn't have called themselves 'Spiritual' in any way whatsoever but it's surprising how many have Spiritual inclinations in some way, they're getting hints of intuition or feelings that there's something more to the face value of Life. It's as though people have a 'natural' Spirituality and it's beginning to seep through into the daylight - which is nice. I'm grateful for the people who were there for me because it could have turned into something not-so-pretty, and I try to pass that along short of blowing fuses. Some people are Spiritual but can't process it in their minds, for them it's simply who they are. What seems to be working is gently easing them out of their mind bubbles a little in a show-don't-tell way. Sometimes it doesn't take much to raise their vibrations.

You're very welcome and I wish you the best of luck, the Universe is a better place with you in in.
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