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Old 25-07-2016, 04:33 PM
IAmNemo IAmNemo is offline
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 69
Money can't be the root of evil, because money has its roots in Capitalism. That would mean Capitalism is the root of the evil. ;)

But obviously money doesn't cause all evil. Just a lot of it. Though I don't really agree it creates good, either.
No, when does money EVER create good? Money isn't ever necessary or required as you stated, Tom. Money is simply current society's form of compensation for someone doing something that society determined to be necessary in many cases. For example, a doctor doesn't need to be paid to do an organ transplant, nor does the hospital. They can just do it if they wanted to do it, for free. And wouldn't we see this as 'good'? In fact, many would say it's the greatest form of good there is. To do something out of kindness and not the desire to be compensated.

But because of the way society works usually things need to be compensated. Because how is a doctor going to survive if he cannot afford food, water, and a home? The people who have these things also want to be compensated so they aren't going to do all of their jobs for free either.
But imagine a society that doesn't use money, but everyone still goes to work and does what they need to do. Society doesn't 'require' money. Money is a contrivance that our society, a Capitalist society, uses as a means of exchange. Nothing more. So I'm not sure why so many people often assume money is necessary. Just because we don't currently experience a society that exists without money doesn't mean one couldn't exist.
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