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Old 06-03-2018, 05:21 PM
Jyotir Jyotir is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 1,847
Hi wanchain,

The problems of old souls are distinctly more subtle than those of young souls.

That means ‘surviving’ and ‘thriving’ take on new meaning and significance given that renewed context.

Accordingly, frustration comes from the constant interface with one's own and others' ignorance or the stasis and complacency (a self-imposed stasis), which for aspirants often means continuing to utilize obsolete (therefore regressive) vs. progressive means. But it gets better with alignment to Spirit/the spiritual.

In this era, the chief issue or problem for old souls (who by nature are consciously aspiring spiritually) do not involve the means and methods of escape from an ignorant, divisive, and desire-filled world with its consequent suffering; nor a post-mortem ‘reward’ - but rather, its transformation here and now in the physical into increasing divinisation.

This means old souls are engaged in the relatively new task of transformation of ignorance within self - and significantly by extension - for the direct purpose of positively altering the nascent and growing human institutions that are the collective representations of individual selves which are creatively emerging in our globalizing world. And that includes business, etc..

In that sense, ‘thriving’ is about the joy of enthusiastic self-discovery - as mutually inspiring example - as a means for world transformation - in unity.
And a steadfast dedication to genuinely spiritual purpose in whatever context.
Note: Often it is the young souls who easily get discouraged if they don’t constantly get the bright lights, excitement, and ‘special messages’ grossly symptomatic of awakening. They get cynical, discouraged and dismissive about ‘spirituality’ - throwing cold water on, or condescendingly dismissing those who have sincere concern for these matters...seeing it as a fantasy, or mental fog of incessant ambiguity and confusion, mainly from self-doubt, because they aren‘t yet sufficiently grounded in the necessary faith, devotion, and dedication (without the constant ‘candy’ of reward and superficial self-gratification) and become cynically complacent, falsely confident, and critical, posing as wise old curmudgeons, dispensing drops of subtly disguised discouragement as ‘folksy wisdom’. Converesly, their own guides might even indicate to them, “don’t worry, this is your last incarnation” - like the family going to visit Grandma 500 kilometers away, telling the whining (“how much longer?”) child after 10km: “We’re almost there!!”
Consecrate your life to some dedicated spiritual practice that works for you and stick with it.
Any discouragement is inherently false.
It is the grounding in the spiritual that has an effect on the worldly in and through one's own life - not the other way around.

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