Thread: Life Itself
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Old 23-11-2016, 01:44 AM
relinquish relinquish is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 64
Life Itself

In truth, the universe is nothing other than the single, seamless process of 'change' itself. It is seamless because it does not actually contain any 'solely self-inclusive forms'. In other words, the universal process of 'change' does not actually contain any separate 'things' or 'events'.

Any given 'particular thing' (for example, a 'tree') is always in a constant state of change, which is to say that 'the tree' is in fact a 'process' rather than a 'thing'. This process can ONLY be occurring if the necessary conditions are present. These conditions are 'not the tree', and are naturally comprised of 'other processes', ALL of which can ONLY be occurring if the necessary conditions are present. These conditions are 'not those other processes', and are naturally comprised of 'other other processes', ALL of which can ONLY be occurring if the necessary conditions are present, and so on, ad infinitum.

Therefore, 'the tree' could not possibly be occurring in exactly the way that it is without the ENTIRETY of 'not the tree' (i.e. the rest of the universe) occuring in exactly the way that it is. In this way, 'the tree' naturally includes within it's own existence the entirety of the rest of the universe. Exactly the same is true of ALL 'particular processes', including 'Me' and 'Not Me' (and 'You' and 'Not You').

As such, the fundamental distinctions between all the different processes do not actually exist, and so, the only process of 'change' that is ACTUALLY occurring is that of the entire universe as one seamless whole.

It gets it's characteristic asymmetrical structure simply from the fact that (being 'finite') it is the inseperable opposite of the causeless presence that is the Eternal Infinity itself, the nature of which is ever-changless, formless and perfectly symmetrical.

The only COHERENT ever-changing asymmetry is a 'FRACTAL' ever-changing asymmetry.

ALL apparent 'things' and 'events' are as they are simply because they are all 'parts' of this one eternally cyclic process.

Evidently, there are (at least for the moment) certain 'organic' parts of the process that are conscious of themselves and of their surroundings. This basic fact indicates that the universe is actually a (or rather, THE) Living Organism, naturally possessing a countless number of 'nerve ends' at all the appropriate points of it's 'body' (which are commonly known as 'life forms').

This, in turn, indicates that the causeless presence of the Eternal Infinity is actually none other than Life Itself.

Some of the nerve ends of the Organism are of such an extreme level of physical complexity that they have the natural capacity to become 'hypnotized' by their surroundings. This hypnosis makes it seem to these extremely complex nerve ends (a.k.a. intelligent body/mind life-forms) that they are the separate, autonomous originators of their own particular movements.

As such, the absolute harmony that naturally exists between all the 'parts' of the Organism (and therefore, the Organism itself) is impossible to be seen by these hypnotized nerve ends. In it's place is seen a situation that seems confusingly fragmented, hostile and threatening. Seeing this, the hypnotized nerve ends are bound to suffer.

But this harmony certainly IS Here and Now, outside of the hypnosis, ever-patiently awaiting 'our' realization of (and resting in) it.

In this resting, there can be no suffering...

Thanks for reading.


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