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Old 29-07-2015, 04:01 AM
wmsm wmsm is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 897
We are a spirit, not a soul.

The soul was a spiritual review used for a scientific condition, to which the natural spirit does not belong.

We exist without information to determine that we exist and our spirit is self knowing as a natural interaction with our Nature, without self expression or purpose for self expression.

This is the only reason why self expression as a human status has never truly understood spirit, for to reason spirit in many circumstances was for the only purpose of trying to gain spiritual powers....which in truth do not exist for we are all equal.

The phenomena we have experienced as a life being was caused by our evil minded brother to did occult changes of natural radiation, changing the natural life interactions/chemical wavelengths that once allowed us to be a mutual and equal life spirit.

The spirit presence exists as 2 whole parentage selves 1 male Father whole light being and 1 female whole light being.

Our parents had sex and the new light spirits were formed.

The spirit became a new light family, which is why our life DNA evolved into new sorts of lived lives.

The spirit family as a body life presence when deceased is part of the spirit family involved in the creation of DNA.

The DNA spirit is actually a lower spirit, and when the human life heals and passes, the light spirit in communication with the body either stays in the DNA family communication or if their spirit was healed....leaves the DNA communication/spirit presence.

Therefore the origin lived life spirit could gain a new form of spiritual identification because of this circumstance.....yet the DNA self by origin review is a condition where many lived and previous lived spirits all are communicating every day to the same life as a multiple condition.
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