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Old 11-12-2018, 12:56 AM
LittleBird23 LittleBird23 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 36
Originally Posted by GoldenEmbers
My question is, If signs are always there, why am I not getting any? Are they really all around us? I have seen signs before and can tell when the universe is sending them, but there are times when I will see nothing at all.

I will have let go and I'm usually in the zone, but they still don't show up. I have a couple of questions for the universe that I ask, but I feel like the universe doesn't hear me.

People say they ask for a specific sign, but that never works for me because they never show up. Is there a way I can get answers from the universe quickly?

Am I doing Something wrong?

Thank you for taking the time to read.
Your help Is greatly appreciated.

Don't look harder to find signs. If you are not seeing signs, the universe is not sending any. You will know when the universe is sending signs. If you are asking a specific question and not seeing any sort of sign, it's probably because the universe does not want to answer, you should reach conclusions on your own without help from the universe.
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