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Old 04-12-2012, 08:55 PM
Posts: n/a
Thank you Belle and Raineco! Can I ask if what you learned about your past lives 'felt' real, or familiar or somehow you knew it was true? Did some part of what you learned resonate? Or do you just take it on faith?

In a short workshop on PLs once the facilitator told me I was a "loose woman", partier, in the 30' made me laugh (and none of that, if it's true, was retained in this life, lol!), but didn't feel familiar or 'oh, yes, that seems right or makes sense' in any way...My guess/assumption is it will be a whole different experience when it's me myself in hypnosis reporting whatever I experience... (?)

I do look forward to recognizing the energies of who is central in my life now as different relationships then, like Belle mentions; I suppose I sorta answer my own question above in a way; as I do think that will happen, that may be an 'indicator' I need to believe, even if the details of my personality/career/behaviors etc. don't?

I've long felt like I don't belong here, I dont' 'get this place', how things work here, that I just want to go home...I read these ideas that this may mean we are star people (?), haven't incarnated for so long on Earth & so many things have changed here, or, had most or all other lives elsewhere where the energy isn't so harsh as on Earth, etc....I guess I'm open to those ideas, I dunno...we shall see what turns up!

Thanks again!
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