Thread: Ascension
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Old 10-12-2017, 01:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Mr G, this is really so important. Please can you tell me what you mean by this?
Don't panic, but it's something that I'm 'passing on'. Very often we're reincarnated with the same Souls over and over again, sometimes we remember but more often than not we don't. What can be frustrating is when one remembers and the other doesn't. Are you sensing anything from your therapist other than just him/her being a therapist? It doesn't matter if you don't, for now it's OK to 'see through different eyes' as it were.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Not only do we have the memories of our ancestors but we also have physical traits. Have you ever heard of a miasm? This can mutate as it comes down through the generations. I can see this in the my family, passed down from my grandfather to my father and to me.
Yeah, there's a lot that's passed on via genetics. My grandmother told me when I was a kid that having a bad chest was something that had been handed down through the generations to her and then to me.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I have listened to many of these Hz frequencies on YouTube. There was a particular 528 Hz which really made an impact when I first heard it.
I'm a little bit wary of them sometimes because they can get quite trippy but this one's a little 'calmer' than most so I'll have a listen later.

Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
You recall in an earlier post you said that things were going to get “more barmy”. Well, they have. It's difficult to know where to begin and I'm not thinking too straight at the moment.

After my Bowen session last Saturday, I awoke the following morning with what felt like a personality transplant! It is very difficult to describe it but for the whole week I felt that I did not care about anything, in a really extreme way. Except there were two occasions, one at home, one at work where I had an emotional meltdown in response to stressful situations which is most unlike me. There was virtually no third Eye activity during this time. I also felt strongly that this “spiritual stuff” was a complete waste of time and all these symbols are meaningless. After all, nothing has changed on a physical level.

I had a further session yesterday morning and immediately that feeling of not caring went instantly, thankfully. On the Friday night and during the session I saw two pyramids side by side, one pink, one turquoise. Unlike previous sizes they were small in comparison. In the Aura soma system pink over turquoise is the Birth of Venus. Meaningful or not meaningful, who knows? nus.html

So this morning, I feel the need to be still and quiet. I've been banned from running for the time being as the therapist believes my body is working very hard. I could not run anyway right now.

Interestingly, I am once again seeing the black and white crystal spheres I saw some time ago. And it has occurred to me this morning looking back on my experiences so far with the Bowen Therapy I think the black and white is me oscillating between two extremes. I'll try to explain what I mean. On the very first session, afterwards I felt several days of agitation followed by several days of being emotional and tearful. Many of the colours I have been seeing such as black and white, pink and turquoise, are balancing and Bowen Therapy is about rebalancing the system. There is a marked contrast between the left, feminine, side of my body and the right, masculine. And last week's not caring about anything and now today the need to be quiet and still, I think is a reflection of me oscillating between two extremes. Even my music is reflecting this. Last week it was Uriah Heep, Status Quo, heavy, angry music. Since yesterday morning I've dug out two Clannad CDs I haven’t listened to in years and Enya, and this seems to fit the bill perfectly. It seems to me, it’s all about yin yang, left right, black white, balanced unbalanced. This is all hypothetical but this is how it feels.

I've also been receiving some quite complex number sequences. Such as 134234, waking at 12.34.

The other development, which I find curious/a little upsetting, I have completely lost connection to Matt’s teachings. I haven’t watched any new videos, nor do I feel the need. I remember it all but I can't connect with it in the way I was. It all seems “not where I am”. I know that does not make sense, but right now my feelings are all there is to guide me.

I am in a very strange place right now, Uncharted territory, in a boat, on my own, trying to navigate choppy waters, with no compass to guide me, no lights in the distance.

I have decided that I am going to stop sessions for the time being and see what happens when all of this settles and just hope I’m still there at the end of it.

But there is a possible twist depending upon your reply about the therapist (please do PM me if more appropriate).

On a positive note, I think, I had a curious card selection this morning. From the Psychic Tarot I had ‘partnerships and alliances’. From the Healing with the Fairies ‘awakening to your true self’ and from Earth Wisdom ‘Heal Thyself.’

I'm going to reply to this part back-to-front because it'll explain what's going on. If you think about radio or TV channels, there's a lot of them all happening on one band but you only tune into one at a time, and the rest you don't know about. This is what's happening with you and Matt's vids - you're tuning out of that phase with them that you don't need them any more. It's not strange, it's quite natural and right when you think about it. Matt's vids gave you something you needed at that time - at that time - but this is no longer that time. What you need to develop/focus on is yourself and internal stimuli - the yin/yang if you're going to balance. Matt's vids are external teachings and you were ingesting them, they were external. What you need to concentrate more on now is the internal. If this is how it feels then this is how it feels and there's no hypothetical about it.

The extremes you're fighting against aren't the extremes you thought they were - the extremes that are causing you the anguish are the extremes of feeling versus mind/logic. Alan Watts says that when we lose our minds we come to our senses and this is where you're heading - it's uncharted territory for the mind that thinks it needs a chart. Your True Self has the chart, it's sitting happily on a satellite having a quiet titter at you while you're floundering about bouncing off trees in the valley because you can't see around the next bend.

Chart the territory, navigate the waters but un-choppy them, and you are al the compass you need. You have all you need and if you don't have it you don't need it, it's that simple. If all you have is you, you is all you need. Things don't happen to us, they happen because of us and that's a realisation that's worth thinking about. "Give me a tall ship, and a star to steer her by." Yeah I know, that's damned scary territory for you but welcome to my world.

It makes perfect sense, your feelings are all you need to guide you right now. What it doesn't make sense to is your ego - and I'm not giving your ego any bad press by the way. The ego is simply a sense of self in whatever shape or form that is - a sense of "I Am" as Jung put it. Your sense of "I Am" is very much changing.

You'll be there at the end of it regardless, but the big question is what kind of 'you' will you be??? This is happening because of you, because of who you are and where you're going. Life's Purpose if you like, Karmic Obligations etc... We're going to get there either because of or despite ourselves so you have two choices kiddo, you can accept your fate and enjoy the ride or you can kick and scream until you're blue in the face but the result is the same.

Your reality is defined by your perceptions, your perceptions are defined by your beliefs and your beliefs are defined by your definitions. You're defining your experiences as extremes, black-and-white..... Hypothetical.... You could just as easily define them as necessary, interesting, peaking and not oscillating... The head-centric Spirituality has been your peak for a long time but now the heart-centred stuff is coming through, which is emotional energy. And remember energy is a wave, so when you visulaise that it makes more sense. You're not swinging between extremes your energies are peaking - and it's not about positive and negative neither because those are polarised. Go with the flow.

What does your intuition/instincts say about the therapy sessions? Your mind/ego will rebel against this because what's happening is both major change and territory where it feels as though it hasn't had any control, where nothing makes sense. In that respect your ego is like a lost child, scared of what's going on - and yeah I know how it sounds but sometimes talking about it in this way helps. If you 'train your brain' to be more observant and less reactive it might help your situation, because what you're dealing with is more of a knee-jerk reaction. Tell your brain - literally - to shut up, sit down and take notes.

You'll have to see how the twist with the therapist works out for yourself because that's what this is all about, all I can say for now is that he/she is there for you and this experience whatever transpires. Essentially your therapist is there for you to have this experience in whatever shape or form it takes, and the important thing to note is that there are no rights nor wrongs here. We can talk again afterwards but for now I'm being stone-walled so you're very much on your own. Sorry.

Your cards make perfect sense. By the way, you did know Sacred Geometry is at play here? Partnerships and alliances are what's happening right now with your healing and understanding - obviously. The "Awakening to your True Self" is what's happening, which is your uncharted territory - there's no chart because you haven't created one. And you're the only one that can heal yourself because while physical hurts can be fixed, what's inside not so much.

Do yourself a favour and drop the positive and negative, it's polarised thinking and as a being of energy polarised you ain't. If it's not 'this' versus 'that' there's no need to balance the two, if there's just what there is in the moment understanding comes and you can be more in tune with it - and yourself. Energy peaks and troughs but it moves on regardless. Your agitation and your heightened emotions are indicators that your energies have changed, and the extremes are the levels ate which you have them. If your emotions are very high, that means your energy levels are. Similarly with agitation, it's a sign of the changes and not being used to what's going on. When things settle down again you'll become used to them and the agitation will disappear.

Heavy, angry music is low (not necessarily 'bad') vibration while Clannad and Enya especially are very harmonic and very complex. It's also worth noting that it's ancient Pagan-inspired music from the land of the Tuatha de Danaan, or the Children of Diana from ancient Irish mythology.

While we're doing the music bit there's a lyric that comes to mind.
"You ain't seen nuthin yet,
B-b-b-b-baby you just ain't seen nuthin yet."
Bachman Turner Overdrive.

Any loving is good loving so take what you can get, even though it comes in a helluvva whacked out package.
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