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Old 25-09-2011, 11:47 PM
Posts: n/a
A few weeks ago, my boyfriend bought back a quartz crystal ball for me that is about 4". He found it at a gift shop at a museum in the western US. He said it was there on a shelf with a bunch of rocks. He wouldn't tell me how much he gave for it, only that he got a good deal. I'm afraid to think how much it might have been.

When he first gave it to me, I was momentarily disappointed by the fact that it was not clear, In fact, only about half of it is clear enough to see through. But he was excited about it and showed me that you could see through part of it.... so I graciously agreed that you could and vowed to myself to keep an open mind and see what would happen. I'm so glad I did.

When you turn it a certain way, light from the room fills it until it almost glows. In spite of the fact that it is not perfectly clear, I've had amazing visions with it.

However, even though I had cleared mine and dedicated it to my use, I had some visitors that did not respect my boundaries. I was then very firm in stating that I would be working on something extremely important to me and only those who were vested in my highest good were welcome and I've had no trouble since.

So please don't let a less than perfectly clear ball disappoint you.

I too receive the images in my mind or 3rd eye, not in the ball itself. But I also can feel the energy emitting from the ball. And there are also times when I see a huge ball of brilliant white light seem to fill the room when I meditate with it. I can see and sense this although my eyes are closed.
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