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Old 28-12-2017, 08:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Perhaps it is beneficial here to realize that the term “I” can have different connotations.
One way to envision it, is that there is the I that in any given present moment I feel and believe myself to be. Usually this is an I that is created by the mind by filtering the information available in the present moment through the ego and is thereby an I limited in space, time, and understanding, to here and now. This is an I that exists for that present moment only and becomes a different I in each subsequent present moment.

This present moment I can be dramatically different from previous present moment I(s) in its desires and wants depending on the number of, or nature of the filtered information in, subsequent present moments. The wants and desires of this I are influenced by what information the egoic filter has allowed to pass into this present moment and what interpretation and meaning the mind gives this information.

But when this I, through the process of memory, watches itself from moment to moment, it can become aware of the existence of another I. An “higher” I which stands beyond the experience of this present moment I, yet encompasses and is experiencing all of the I(s) from all of the previous and subsequent present moments. The present moment I, though it can be aware of the existence of this higher I, is limited in space and time by definition, and therefore can never be aware of and know what the higher I sees and knows outside of space and time, beyond the present moment. If one wishes to channel a spiritual being then this is probably the spiritual being that should be channeled. Perhaps this is the being that can know what the present moment I truly was in past moments and can best choose which path among many to choose for future moments.

Of course, there is still that pesky limitation in time and space that the present moment I suffers from, so it may not understand nor appreciate the path the higher I chose for it. Perhaps our highest excitement is just the higher I guiding the present moment I into one of the next present moments from which there are many to choose from. Moving on a path toward an experience it wishes to have, but through which it must experience through the lens of the present moment I. The present moment I may feel like it was trapped into something it does not desire nor want. Yet, at some distant subsequent present moment, though memory and contemplation in hindsight, the present moment I may come to understand that it was where it needed to be and when it needed to be there. The higher I had guided it there for reasons beyond its present moment understand at that time, and that feeling of being trapped was just another part of the experience.

Anyway, given that I often feel I have become trapped in some pretty rotten present moment situations, I would like to think so.
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