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Old 28-07-2018, 10:00 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Altair
Still parts of a skeleton, and possible attachment to the coffin and the place. Having people mourn at such a place could potentially also bound a spirit to that place. It's all just a big no to me..

A spirit can't be bound in the way you're suggesting or in any other sense UNLESS it's the strong belief of that spirit individual that leads to it. Strong, even if wholly misguided, beliefs can obscure the reality of the new world a spirit has entered after its passing.

Beliefs that have been held throughout an incarnation, maybe reinforced by religious teaching and conditioning, can be firmly embedded in the psyche of an individual. She or he may need considerable intervention and encouragement to look around in order to see her/his new environment.

Another example of the effect of strongly-held beliefs is where previous adherents to a religion or religious teachings still stick together as they would have done in this world. Their beliefs perpetuate beyond their deaths and into the etheric. Their misguided beliefs are self-reinforcing; they find what they believed they would find in the form of others who believed the same teachings. They become drawn to one another by the promises of those teachings.

In effect they have created by themselves, for themselves, the exclusive and eternal lives they believed that adherence to their religion would bring them; the prophecies were self-fulfilling.
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