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Old 11-10-2019, 11:14 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by LibraTaurusEnergy23
Wow this was very powerful message. It resonates with me. I do not want to hold him back I love him with every inch of me. I do want what’s best for me as well. I’m all over the place in my head right now. And the purpose of my life is weighing in. What does this all mean what is my purpose what was the purpose for my dear brothers death what kind of lesson was that? I’m trying. I am. the support and wisdom im receiving is opening my eyes. I can’t thank you enough for taking your time to write to me. Thank you a million times over my friend. I truly am thankful for you and I needed to hear your message.
What I'm trying to do here is ease you through this gently, there are other things I can say but if your head is all over the shop that doesn't make good groundwork for anything else.

Stop trying. The Universe has your back covered so relax and let everything unfold, the Universe will take care of the rest. Similarly with your Life's Purpose. You are your Life's Purpose so allow that to unfold as well, everything else will become emergent. Hold to your own centre, hold to what's internal to you.

What often happens is that people tend to try and fight the pain and grief or try to find some way of being rid of it. What they seldom do is listen to what it has to tell them. And I'm not saying you should wallow in self pity but acknowledge what arises within you. If you feel like bawling your eyes out, do that. If you feel like venting your spleen, that's OK but don't cause any harm. Just allow yourself to experience it and Honour it just the same as a p[art of you.

The other thing that's worth remembering is that the mess your head is in and the morass of feelings is a measure of your capacity to feel Love for him. Common sense will tell you that if you didn't feel anything for him, you would never have started this thread.

For the time being let go of Life's Purpose, lessons and anything else. They'll become emergent when your head is a little less chaotic. What it means has yet to manifest and more than likely it won't because the realisations it may bring wouldn't be too well received under your current state of mind anyway.

Nothing happens TO you, everything happens BECAUSE of you so there are rhymes and reasons for things happening, and generally they make you the person you are - or at least an ingredient of. Similarly with your brother. You see, you are your Life's Purpose.

Sometimes Souls become incarnate to explore certain themes and one of the biggies is Love. Love as deep as this is powerful, especially across planes of existence and although your brother will be having a different experience right now - obviously being in Spirit - the chances are he's still experiencing loss, grief......

Live your Life, Love your brother in whatever way suits you and keep him in your Heart of Hearts always. When you feel as though your lungs are being squeezed out of your chest by an eruption of emotion you'll know all about this kind of communication.Everything else you'll need will emerge from that changed state of consciousness.

You're very welcome my friend. Perhaps in time you'll come back and give us an update, that would be nice.
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