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Old 30-03-2020, 11:41 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by BigJohn
I was 'told' by my 'little voice' to pay bills when they arrive and to pay extra instead waiting to pay the bills when they are due.

I told people about this 'new' tactic in paying bills but nobody would listen. I even mentioned to do this in case of a disaster, etc.

In this past, I have been 'told what to do' by my 'little voice'. As far as I can remember, I am never told the reason... I just do it. One time, I did exactly what I was told. If I skipped one part, it would have probably meant my life.
Well John, I gotta say it must be nice to have such a 'little voice'.... as long as it doesn't say bad things about me....but why would it.
I have been able to parse out many such little voices in that stream of noise that goes on in the top of my skull. None quite so accurate as to be life savers. Most seem to give mixed quality advice. Except they are all equally dumb with respect to advice on the opposite sex. I do expect they all mean well and server their intended purpose. Come to think of it one did save my life, it told me to buy some extra TP about a month and a half ago. I love that guy. Although he never did mention a bidet so.....I suppose nobody is perfect.

Last edited by ketzer : 30-03-2020 at 12:43 PM.
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