Thread: Very strange
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Old 11-08-2013, 06:23 PM
Posts: n/a
This isn't in my minds eye though but through my regular eyes. It's like I was really in this other home in a hallway in that place. It was only for a few seconds. Just enough for me to notice it. And yes it was a very routine thing just walking back to my computer. I go through this little hallway a lot (it connects the kitchen and the living room together). There's a wall in the middle and on the other side is the dining room and below is the basement.

I have heard of the whole simultaneous reality before and if I had to choose any theory that would make the most sense to me with things I've experienced with time.

But yes it totally felt like it was a splintered experience. Like I was in two places at once. I could see the walls and floor of this other place. It was an off white color for the walls (not any different than where I am now) but the floors are hard wood (where I am now has off white carpet).
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