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Old 21-01-2019, 03:36 PM
Ordnael Ordnael is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Himavanta
Posts: 393
As a human I'm just an ordinary citizen, and I have actual proof that certain aliens are physically exactly like humans, our ancestors, of course, with some occasional differences in the facial features, while others are just giants. If I had a tv network and showed the evidence that I have no one would be able to contest it, and evolutionists would run away with their monkey tail between their legs. Now, it's the duty of these evil and deceitful governments to tell the truth to the people who pay their taxes and blindly trust them, but that is never going to happen. Me, I have no need or desire for fame or anything, I despise this modern world, and since the mic is not on for me to start speaking, I'm not too excited about revealing these things either.
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