Thread: Rose Quartz
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Old 09-10-2006, 02:14 AM
Light Mage
Posts: n/a
Color Rose Quartz

Hmm... I really couldn't decide which would be the best area to post this in, so I chose General. ^_^

Anyway, yesterday I bought the most beautiful Rose Quartz keyring!

I was wandering around the local "New Age" shop and out of the corner of my eye something grabbed my attention, and it was this keyring.

A hexagonal crystal of Rose Quartz, larger at one end so it looks like a teardrop, with reflective impurities visible inside (similar to an ice cube).

I saw it hanging amonst the other crystal keyrings and immediately thought to myself "I must buy that!" so I did.

All the refelctions from inside the crystal make it look like it's swirling with pink electric clouds... or something...

*stares in wonder at the pretty*