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Old 29-04-2017, 03:23 PM
The Taoist The Taoist is offline
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Hello' Mary:

Now, connecting or exchanging energies with various dimensional entities and having experienced a rather large amount of interactions of what many learns much about energy and the effects of energy.... with almost all of the members here...(and in many other websites)....your issue does not appear to be one that involves an outside force or entity...such as a ghost, dimensional being, inter-dimensional being etc, I attune with your appears that......there are no outside energies or entities that are interacting with you....regarding this issue of yours.....and in fact.......there is no necessity for concern in this area.

It is merely imagery that you are presenting to yourself in the recognition of connecting with subjective information. In this, your purpose here appears objective translation of offering yourself extreme imagery in the manner of “disassociating objective awareness and directly engaging subjective awareness”.

This is mental / perceptional imagery that you are presenting yourself with in conjunction with our current shift in mass perceptional consciousness. The colors you have perceived are the symbolization of the circle which is being completed in the action of this collective conscious shift in consciousness, allowing yourself to return to the expression of remembrance which was held in what you may term to be “before the beginning.” It is offered by your Higher Self as a form of support that you create trust within, therefore being suggestive, within your imagery to yourself, that you may trust in your abilities and in the action of this shift in consciousness and in the completion of this cycle or circle.

Allow me to suggest to you, that there is information and helpfulness that this event may be offering to you, in your understanding of expressions that you are experiencing within this reality.

In this, it is suggested that you allow yourself to be open to the exchange of energy between yourself and this other focus, for as you allow yourself an interaction and a receiving of energy....within your meditations. It shall allow you more of an understanding in the areas of actions and behaviors that you are practicing within this present now. You shall also notice that within this present wave in consciousness, it may be helpful to allow yourself to address to aspects of a particular limiting belief system with more of an ease.
And, always remember that your have chosen this experience within your own value fulfillment, to be creating of an expression to be affecting of self in the area of moving attention to certain behaviors that may appear objectively to be unimportant but are in fact....quite significant.

I wish you well in your learning pathway, my friend. is suggested that you learn to “Listen” to your energies in a more....”focused and concentrated manner” this is the method that will offer you a clear and unobstructed pathway towards greater and greater clarity of perception....clarity of others...and most importantly...clarity of self.

Also...there is a strong energy pattern of....a need for more....”Personal / spiritual growth and development.” As...your life lesson of......”Learning how to focus and discipline one's mind and energies”....IS.... one of your soul / life purposes a very important one.

And so, I will congratulate you is clear ARE attaining strong movement on this path of learning and development.


I wish you a happy and hearty day and suggest that you continue in your learning lessons and practice in meditation.....listening to your feelings....behaviors.....subconscious patterns.....Higher Self energies, etc, etc.

Remember, the path of mastery is one of self-awareness & self exploration.....
and that.....'mental discipline' is a major requirement. As many will ask queries that require them to discipline themselves.....but, many individuals refuse and simply ask for a 'magic pill' that they can that they will not have to leave their 'comfort zone' and make any strong effort to manifest or change things.

This mentality of...”I don't have time to develop self...just give me my free reading or answers... so I can continue this pathway and my comfort zone”!

This is the mentality of a child. One that does not wish to grow up and take responsibility of their power...for their life. They simply run from place to place....from psychic psychic reader......asking the same queries.....”Why am I so weak or powerless”.....or...”Who is causing me to feel such pain and anguish”??? “Why can't I find my power”???

And they will jump from one reader to another...asking the same queries...while at the same time...refusing to truly and sincerely take action by honestly and courageously....looking within....and ACCEPTING SELF.

They wish to stay in their comfort zone while simultaneously.....attempting to make effort to 'look' at some of their aspects that they feel or believe are involved. But, at the same time....refusing to make the needed effort...the 'committed' effort to change. They are merely looking for a quick and easy method to extricate themselves from their own self created the same time....continue to act as if...they are the “VICTIM”.

It is a common challenge.

And..the answer to this is quite simple......self exploration & ”MENTAL DISCIPLINE”. is in this personal discipline begins to make great waves in more one begins to grow and expand self....the more one becomes AWARE.

And the more one becomes aware....the more one becomes EMPOWERED.


Remember, a skilled or sagacious mentor is 'selective'....and does not simply jump into every or any situation, request or experience that comes along. A teacher or mentor who offers an individual a reading..but..that student or individual is not truly OPEN to that reading and is merely...'playing a type of ego game or ego projection'...looking to prove how powerful or important he or she is..and uses the spiritual mentor / reader as a kind of.....”answer list”...or 'pawn' order to push his or her own agenda.....and asks this teacher to do a full reading that may take....maybe 4-5 hours...and expend a ton of energies.....and that....this individuals' true purpose find personal understanding or clarity in attaining his or her most effective pathway of learning and developing his or her spiritual awareness and expansion.....then, this would be an example of what I am expressing.

Therefore, it is wise to.....listen to other's energies when first connecting and ask oneself...”Is this person truly and sincerely asking for assistance and is OPEN to that assistance or....are they merely lost in their own personal demons... playing an ego game or ego projection”...attempting to draw me into their drama?

For I myself have, in years gone by, offered many, many, many free readings ...some of those readings where given to individuals who simply had no sense of gratitude.....appreciation....respect....and that...many of these where merely playing in their own minds.....deeply involved in ego projections...unaware that they were receiving gifts from Spirit....and where their ego projections to......honestly or clearly express.....a sense of ...'self-awareness' of what they were doing or experiencing.

Therefore, it is valuable and wise to LISTEN to others' energies as they begin to interact with you and ask yourself....”Is this individual consciously aware in the moment he or she lost in their own imagination or ego projections”?

Intuitively listening is key.

And remember to make NO once one places a judgment on another.....they are literally.....creating 'resistance and limitation'. And in that resistance...there is created a sense of 'separation'.

And so, it is suggested now focus your attention on... recognizing, identifying and examining self.

As... what you are currently experiencing / expressing is a dropping of the veils and the allowance of your natural abilities and your natural movement without obstacles, without limitations. It is a natural movement of energy.

And so, it is suggested that you continue with your learning lesson and explore this expansion of self and all of its' value and wisdom.

I wish you well on your journey.

In Light & Joy Taoist
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