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Old 03-12-2017, 05:06 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
:) Love is all as all is one.

I see that this topic has created many sparks... haha... and even though the topic was created with the world in a state celebration it was still brought down to the idea of sadness and self destruction. The truth of the mater is that yes the world is "sick" and many people are dying and there is poverty and war.... pollution and etc... but the truth is that all this could be fixed or solved in a matter of years.

The technology all ready exist for these problems to be solved.... many people stumble upon them once they start looking into them but sometimes out of the ignorance of the reality of the world and the way its ran they end up loosing or getting what they worked for removed, stolen, or destroyed by organizations who do not want it to happen. So it doesn't matter if the topic is pollution or starvation or the state of the occurrence of natural disasters.

All this can be remedied once the beings who want this world to be controlled are removed from power as they are now we can start to build a new one. I have seen such a world and the light is so bright within the world that the ones who pray to the dark are no longer able to do what they want anymore. Soon they will be over ran by the light workers..... this world let out a great cosmic shock that was heard across all barriers of space time and the call was answered. No lol superman wont rain down from the sky like Hollywood wants us to believe but more like he/she will incarnate into a physical body and through love and intuition lead a way forward. First the warriors came then the thinkers. When God said let there be light lol he meant it haha

NOo lol dont live in a life where you do nothing and your expecting to have things done for you but merely the living of a life filled with the things your passionate about is all there is needed to help this world.

Id say it will definitely be a close one because it needs to be so obvious that our wills and abilities are being used against us so that it will wake up even the most hardest of sleepers haha.

Let your light shine and fight or love for what your passionate in. People will start to come to you and see what your doing and just like a fire being kindled it will spread to more and more until the whole thing is ablaze :)

Feel the feeling of a world.... of love... of fun... of passion... a world of magic... a world were you can see and feel the world around you.

love and speak to mother earth... let your sadness, anger, frustrations be taken by its love for you.


"The light came and never left"
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