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Old 01-07-2017, 12:14 AM
Iamit Iamit is offline
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Originally Posted by The Necromancer
It is called Vishistadvaita or qualified Monism. This is my path and my truest belief.

To conceive of 'that' or 'Brahman', one must also understand 'Maya' or that which is not Non-Duality and thus, Non-Duality becomes a Duality within itself.

During my own 'Dark Night of the Soul' in which I tried to reconcile Non-Duality with the whole experience of it, I thought about Adi Shankaracharya - the greatest proponent of Advaita Vedanta (Non-Duality as the end of all Knowledge) and why was it Adi Shankaracharya could be such a huge Shiva Devotee?...i.e. loving and worshiping a Divine full-on 'Duality mode'...after it was that he expounded the very nature of Non-Duality?...made sense it did NOT!

I also found myself in exactly the same position. I had realised Non-Duality and yet the whole relation between the non-egoic Self and Brahman was still a Dual one - howcome this was? I had agonised over it for could a Supreme Consciousness even exist apart from ourselves when we were also that Supreme Consciousness? Made no sense.

I nearly went totally insane (literally) trying to reconcile the Duality within the Non-Duality, in the false thought - as per Advaita, that Non-Duality cancelled out or negated Duality by being Non-Dual...however, Non-Duality fully incorporates Duality in itself so it can BE Non-Dual!

This led me to a philosophy called Achintya bhedabeda tattva which basically means "the inconceivable difference of indifference". It is how people can 'be IT' and still 'Love IT' simultaneously, without Duality NOR Non-Duality even existing, because it just IS.

In Hinduism, the saint Ramanuja proposed the whole idea and related it to Brahman (Non-Duality) in the form of Ishwara (Supreme Consciousness).

People may split hairs over this one all they like because whatever they say will just be within the framework of Duality or Maya anyway and only go to illustrate what I am saying by direct example.

Yes there is no state that is not Oneness manifest including both the idea of nonduality AND duality. Each the other and the One Love in Action dreaming difference where there is none.

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