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Old 11-01-2019, 12:46 AM
Yeshe Yeshe is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 21
I must admit I was happy to see your post and also pleasantly surprised. I have heard of the rainbow prophesy of all cultures and peoples in the world joining together while in deep meditation, and during trance state. the ancestors tell me various stories about it, but it comes in bits and pieces and sometimes I lose awareness while in trance state so I really don't know very much, but I have heard the ancestors speak of a special time when all the holy men and women of various cultures come together to renew the earth. And it involves cultural dancing and singing and ritual. A rainbow phoenix rises. Also a special marriage between the rainbow phoenix and white raven that merges the east, west, south, north and the center Sorry that's all I know
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