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Old 01-11-2017, 03:11 AM
MARDAV70 MARDAV70 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 378
Originally Posted by Plaxx
I kind of understand what you are saying. The concept of eternal, in my view, is not something related to time but rather something that exists now, has existed before and will always exist, all at the same time. Is like a dimension from which we come that has always been there and always will be there. It's like a point zero. Therefore, I guess that if this is true, it does make sense that we are going to live eternally (not in a time related sense, but rather in a spiritual sense). Since I was a kid I've always had this idea that I came from somewhere else and that my life was kind of a play, a temporary "game". I always thought that when people died they went back home. What do you think? Does this makes sense to you? To say that we are eternal in this sense?
The part you're talking about since you were a kid resonates greatly with's how I perceive this life now, after my NDE. I think you sensed deeply into your consciousness from a young age. Have you meditated, practiced or learned in order to explore further?

Not so much with me.
When I was a kid many times I felt I didn't belong (I felt I never really fit in anywhere), also didn't understand how people that did the bad things I'd heard (rob, steal, murder, etc.) didn't know better than to do those things.
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