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Old 13-11-2017, 05:03 AM
Clover Clover is offline
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Queen of Pentacles

GIFT:Reliable, diligent, resourceful and always ready to lend a hand to anyone in need. During crises or in need, she will open her home to you and share her treasures. She will make sure you are fed, bathed, clothed and warm in her luxurious home. Thanksgiving: she's got it and the best recipe from scratch. Wifey material.

CHALLENGE: Trying to hard to keep up with the Jones. Caught up in material possessions and her image in society. Her loved ones (children/Family) may lack spiritual connection, or material gifts may compensate for emotional bonding. Okay. Struggled a bit but she reminds me of the ultimate hands on stay at home mother who occasionally loves to spend daddy's cash! Thats of course is she is not working hard for it herself. Either way, she puts in her time and effort to accumulate an abundant and functioning home

Feel free to add! They call her the 'Mother' card, but wondering what sets her apart from the Empress.
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